: ̗̀➛ Review an Article

Name : Nazwa Rega Tanissa

Student ID : 2223210086

Class : 4A

Source Picture : JEES (Journal of English Educators Society)

Promoting students’ critical thinking through online learning in higher education: Challenges and strategies

This article is discussing about students’s critical thinking through online learning in higher education. Critical thinking is one of the important ability if you are in higher education. Scriven and Paul (2003) describe that critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process to conceptualize, apply, analyze, synthesize, and/or evaluate the information collected from observation, experience, feedback, reasoning, or communication, as a way to believe and act. From the definition above, critical thinking is a complex and varied process understanding, comprehending, seeing and interpreting particular information based on several contexts. Every students when they are in higher education, especially college students are supposed to be a critical thinker. Because critical thinking will make you think critically to solve a problem around you.

Online learning is a learning model wherein electronic technology, the internet, and the web are integrated and combined to maintain a learning environment (Hadjerrouit, 2007). Since 2020, we have been through an online learning because of Corona Virus, but still now sometimes we still have an online learning too but not as much as in 2020. Online learning taught us to be learning on your own and it makes you to be an independent. But that methods actually makes you to be a critical thinker. Then, how to be a critical thinker when im in higher education and in online learning? As we know, college students always got an assignment to writing or known as paper, and before you write, you should read the article, right? You can open google schoolar to find many articles that can increase your critical thinking ability. Online learning is flexible too instead of face-to-face learning. Because from online learning, students have had more time.

Also, we still find the challenges of implementing critical thinking in online learning because when they were doing their assignment and they didn’t understand, they need to ask their lecturer for a discussion but its more easier if we talked face to face to the lecturer rather than asked them via online. The implementation of critical thinking in education in Indonesia is still difficult too, because critical thinking is not applied since they were children. In Indonesia, many schools still used Teacher Centered Learning instead of Student Centered Learning. And it effects too the students they more like to listen rather than think. If all of the schools used Student Centered Learning, it would develop their critical thinking ability because they are used to since they were children. But, there are a possible strategies to overcome the challenge too. To keep balancing, online interaction should work between students and a teacher. As a teacher, they should find a way to make an online learning fun and interesting. When make an online meeting like zoom, you can give them topic and tell the students to give their own opinion about that topic and all of the class can discuss it together in the end of the class. And for the students, they can read many articles out there to keep developing their critical thinking.

In conclusion, making students’ critical thinking through online learning in higher education is easy if the students and the teachers or the lecturers are balanced to make a class conducive. The teachers or lecturers can give the well designed online discussion and assignment for their students so they can keep practice to be a critical thinker. Especially since technology has developed, it makes all things easier to do because you can find anything that you are wondering about your assignment on the Internet.

Reference : 

Tathahira, T. (2020). Promoting students‟ critical thinking through online learning in higher education: Challenges and strategies. Englisia: Journal of Language, Education, and Humanities, 8(1), 79-92. https://doi.org/10.22373/ej.v8i1.6636


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