: ̗̀➛Summary of Creme and Lea (Page 76-80)

 Name : Nazwa Rega Tanissa

Student ID : 2223210086

Class : 4A

Summary of Creme and Lea (Page 76-80)

What Kind of Writer are you?

In writing, there are so many ways and strategies that we come across so that our writing has quality. Many experts share their writing experiences and they have different writing strategies for each person. Therefore, before writing, we must know what strategies are suitable for us so that we can write well. Many people emphasize making a plan before writing, but some experts do not recommend this strategy because writing usually just flows. Even when we are writing, sometimes we lose ideas in the middle of the road so that the next writing will be different from the first plan when we wanted to write.

Some Structures used in University Writing

1.       Chronology Writing

Choronlogy writing is a writing structure that lists the chronology of an event in detail. Chronology writing is also used for background writing in assignment papers.

2.       Description Writing

Descriptive writing is writing that discusses the description of an object or event. There are visual examples to illustrate description writing in the form of labels, diagrams, etc. Writing description writing is almost the same as writing in chronological writing, which considers several critical questions.

3.       Cause-effect writing

Cause-effect writing is writing that tells the cause and effect of an event. Because in an event, cause and effect have a correlation. For example, if a house is on fire, then we must know what caused the house to burn? Cause-effect writing is often considered simple, but it is actually very important in knowing an event that has occurred.

4.       Compare/Contrast Writing

Compare/contrast writing is about similarities and differences in a piece of writing. This type of writing aims to analyze each about an event. This structure can be the main part of your assignment or it can be used only for part of it. The need for this can be identified in the title of the assignment.

5.       Summary Writing

In writing, we often write a summary of a book or article. In writing a summary, of course, we have to write it briefly. This is necessary because in writing, we must know the important points of the book so that the writing process will be smoother.

6.       Analysis Writing

Analysis Writing can be said to be the most difficult part of writing. The meaning of analysis is to break the event into several parts and analyze it in detail. For example, in reading a book we will not be asked by the lecturer to say whether this book is good or not but we must analyze the storyline of the book. Who are the characters? What are the conflicts? We will be trained to think critically in analyzing.

7.       Evaluating Writing

In evaluating writing, we are required to give judgment. Because, judgment or comments from others are very necessary for the development of our writing skills. If you give a comment, it must be with a clear and strong reason so that it can build the enthusiasm of the person we are commenting on.


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