: ̗̀➛Reflection of Stop Doubting Youself

Name : Nazwa Rega Tanissa
Student ID : 2223210086
Class : 3A
Course : Academic Speaking 

 Stop Doubting Yourself

Self-doubt is a mental conversation in which your mind questions your ability to find a desirable solution to a problem. Because I know everybody ever feels self-doubt when we want to do something that we know that we can't through it. We often asked ourselves like “can I do that?” “what if I failed?” “ what if i'm not strong enough to handle all of this?” those questions will keep you up, especially at midnight. In fact, we never try it before and we never know what is the result if we never try. Self-doubt makes us fear to get a failure, or being rejected. Meanwhile, failure is a way to teach us about being stronger. Maybe teenagers around the world always feel anxious or insecure every time they checked the social media because they find their friend got so many achievements. And then they feel fear of missing out or known as FOMO. But they were too scared to step forward because they were fearful of the failure. We can't throw away our self-doubt, instead, we can share our self-doubt with someone that we really trusted and after we reveal our doubt to people that we trust, we build a greater sense of trust within ourselves. Don’t have to fear about the judgment or rejection, instead, you will receive was love because you can speak up to your trusted person.

We should be fearless and remove all the self-doubt in our life. There is nothing that has you doubt yourself more than declaring I shouldn’t doubt myself. No matter how many failures that you got as long as you tried before. We can't control what we want in the future, but it can be possible if we want to try it first. Self-doubt is really calling on you to fill up your self-love tank, we can give ourselves everything we need regardless of what the world looks like. Even though in the end we might not get our dream job, we might not get reach our goals. That’s okay because you will find something better in the future. Love yourself regardless of your achievement. Let go of blaming yourself, and give yourself permission to express a new level of confidence, passion, and commitment. True freedom will come when you no longer rely on your achievement to give you permission to fall in love with who you are right now


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